/* Localizable.strings GPX Viewer Created by Tomas Vajda on 19/01/2020. Copyright © 2020 Vectura Games. All rights reserved. */ "#about" = "About"; "#addElevations" = "Add elevation data"; "#alert" = "Alert"; "#appearance" = "Appearance"; "#appleHybrid" = "Apple Hybrid"; "#appleSatellite" = "Apple Satellite"; "#appleStandard" = "Apple Standard"; "#areYouSureYouWantToDeleteTheSelectedItems" = "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?"; "#author" = "Author"; "#averageCadence" = "Average cadence"; "#averageHeartRate" = "Average heart rate"; "#averagePower" = "Average power"; "#averageSpeed" = "Average speed"; "#averageTemperature" = "Average temperature"; "#back" = "Back"; "#buildNumber" = "Build number"; "#cadence" = "Cadence"; "#cadenceLongRevolutionsPerMinute" = "Revolutions per minute (rpm)"; "#cadenceMax" = "Cadence max"; "#cadenceShortRevolutionsPerMinute" = "rpm"; "#cancel" = "Cancel"; "#cannotCreateAccount" = "Error while creating account"; "#cannotLogin" = "Error while logging in"; "#charts" = "Charts"; "#checked" = "Checked"; "#checkOfflineMapDataIntegrity" = "Check offline map data integrity"; "#checkOfflineMapDataIntegrityMessage" = "This action checks integrity of offline map data. Corrupted offline map data will be automatically removed. Are you sure you want to perform this action?"; "#checksum" = "Checksum"; "#climbLength" = "Climb length"; "#color" = "Color"; "#comment" = "Comment"; "#contactEmail" = "Contact e-mail"; "#correctElevations" = "Correct elevations"; "#correctElevationsQuestion" = "This action will replace current elevations with corrected elevations. Are you sure you want to perform this action?"; "#createAccount" = "Create account"; "#creationTime" = "Creation time"; "#cyclosm" = "CyclOSM"; "#dark" = "Dark"; "#data" = "Data"; "#dataIntegrity" = "Data Integrity"; "#delete" = "Delete"; "#deleteAll" = "Delete all"; "#deleteAllTracksQuestion" = "Are you sure you want to delete all tracks?"; "#deleteAllWaypointsQuestion" = "Are you sure you want to delete all waypoints?"; "#deleteTrackbookAccount" = "Delete Trackbook account"; "#deleteTrackbookAccountQuestion" = "This action will delete your Trackbook account. All your tracks, waypoints and all data will be permanently removed from our server and it won't be possible to recover these data. Are you sure you want to delete your Trackbook account?"; "#descentLength" = "Descent length"; "#description" = "Description"; "#distance" = "Distance"; "#distanceLongFeet" = "Feet (ft)"; "#distanceLongKilometers" = "Kilometers (km)"; "#distanceLongMeters" = "Meters (m)"; "#distanceLongMiles" = "Miles (mi)"; "#distanceLongNauticalMiles" = "Nautical miles (nmi)"; "#distanceLongYards" = "Yards (yd)"; "#distanceShortFeet" = "ft"; "#distanceShortKilometers" = "km"; "#distanceShortMeters" = "m"; "#distanceShortMiles" = "mi"; "#distanceShortNauticalMiles" = "nmi"; "#distanceShortYards" = "yd"; "#distanceUnits" = "Distance"; "#download" = "Download"; "#downloadError" = "Download error:"; "#downloading" = "Downloading"; "#duration" = "Duration"; "#edit" = "Edit"; "#elevation" = "Elevation"; "#elevationDifference" = "Elevation difference"; "#elevationGain" = "Elevation gain"; "#elevationLongFeet" = "Feet (ft)"; "#elevationLongKilometers" = "Kilometers (km)"; "#elevationLongMeters" = "Meters (m)"; "#elevationLoss" = "Elevation loss"; "#elevationMax" = "Elevation max"; "#elevationMin" = "Elevation min"; "#elevationShortFeet" = "ft"; "#elevationShortKilometers" = "km"; "#elevationShortMeters" = "m"; "#elevationUnits" = "Elevation"; "#email" = "E-mail"; "#enabled" = "Enabled"; "#end" = "End"; "#endTime" = "End time"; "#export" = "Export"; "#exportApplicationSettings" = "Export Application Settings"; "#exportSettings" = "Export Settings"; "#fileName" = "File name"; "#fileType" = "File type"; "#flatLength" = "Flat length"; "#forum" = "Forum"; "#heartRate" = "Heart rate"; "#heartRateLongBeatsPerMinute" = "Beats per minute (bpm)"; "#heartRateMax" = "Heart rate max"; "#heartRateShortBeatsPerMinute" = "bpm"; "#help" = "Help"; "#hereCarNavigation" = "HERE Car navigation"; "#hereDayMode" = "HERE Day mode"; "#hereNightMode" = "HERE Night mode"; "#hereSatellite" = "HERE Satellite"; "#hereStandard" = "HERE Standard"; "#hereTerrain" = "HERE Terrain"; "#import" = "Import"; "#importApplicationSettings" = "Import Application Settings"; "#importedTracks" = "Imported tracks:"; "#importedWaypoints" = "Imported waypoints:"; "#importing" = "Importing"; "#information" = "Information"; "#latitude" = "Latitude"; "#length" = "Length"; "#light" = "Light"; "#links" = "Links"; "#login" = "Login"; "#logout" = "Logout"; "#longitude" = "Longitude"; "#map" = "Map"; "#mapboxCarNavigation" = "Mapbox Car navigation"; "#mapboxDark" = "Mapbox Dark"; "#mapboxLight" = "Mapbox Light"; "#mapboxSatellite" = "Mapbox Satellite"; "#mapboxStandard" = "Mapbox Standard"; "#mapboxTerrain" = "Mapbox Terrain"; "#mapTilerOutdoor" = "MapTiler Outdoor"; "#mapTilerSatellite" = "MapTiler Satellite"; "#mapTilerStandard" = "MapTiler Standard"; "#mapTilerTerrain" = "MapTiler Terrain"; "#mapTilerTopographique" = "MapTiler Topographique"; "#mapTilerWinter" = "MapTiler Winter"; "#mapType" = "Map type"; "#mapyczBasic" = "Mapy.cz Basic"; "#mapyczOutdoor" = "Mapy.cz Outdoor"; "#mapyczWinter" = "Mapy.cz Winter"; "#miscellaneous" = "Miscellaneous"; "#name" = "Name"; "#no" = "No"; "#noData" = "No data"; "#noInternetConnection" = "Device is not connected to the internet."; "#number" = "Number"; "#offlineMap" = "Offline map"; "#offlineMapData" = "Offline map data"; "#offlineMapUsage" = "Before using offline map, please download offline map data."; "#ok" = "OK"; "#onDevice" = "On device"; "#onlineMap" = "Online map"; "#onlineServices" = "Online Services"; "#onlineServicesGetAccess" = "Get access to premium *online maps*:"; "#onlineServicesHere" = "HERE online maps"; "#onlineServicesMapbox" = "Mapbox online maps"; "#onlineServicesMapycz" = "mapy.cz online maps"; "#onlineServicesPremiumDescription" = "With *Online Services* you get access to premium online services. This service is available as a subscription for *1.99 € monthly*. You can *cancel* it *at any time*."; "#onlineServicesTermsOfService" = "By subscribing you agree to our *Privacy Policy*."; "#onlineServicesThunderforest" = "Thunderforest online maps"; "#openSettings" = "Open Settings"; "#openSettingsToEnableLocationServices" = "Location Services are essential for certain app features. Please enable them in your device settings to fully enjoy our app."; "#openstreetmap" = "OpenStreetMap"; "#opentopomap" = "OpenTopoMap"; "#opnvkarte" = "ÖPNVKarte"; "#pace" = "Pace"; "#password" = "Password"; "#power" = "Power"; "#powerLongWatts" = "Watts (W)"; "#powerMax" = "Power max"; "#powerShortWatts" = "W"; "#privacyPolicy" = "Privacy policy"; "#privacyPolicyError" = "For creating account you need to agree to Trackbook Privacy Policy."; "#restoreIAP" = "Restore Subscriptions"; "#retry" = "Retry"; "#select" = "Select"; "#selected" = "Selected"; "#selectItems" = "Select items"; "#sendAnonymousCrashLogs" = "Send anonymous crash logs"; "#sendAnonymousUsageStats" = "Send anonymous usage stats"; "#settings" = "Settings"; "#share" = "Share"; "#show3dBuildings" = "Show 3D buildings"; "#showBikeLines" = "Show bike paths"; "#showBuildings" = "Show buildings"; "#showCompass" = "Show compass"; "#showHikeLines" = "Show waymarked hike paths"; "#showIcons" = "Show icons"; "#showScale" = "Show scale"; "#showTrackOutline" = "Show track outline"; "#showTraffic" = "Show traffic"; "#showTransit" = "Show transit"; "#sort" = "Sort"; "#source" = "Source"; "#speed" = "Speed"; "#speedLongKilometersPerHour" = "Kilometers per hour (km/h)"; "#speedLongKnots" = "Knots (kn)"; "#speedLongMetersPerSecond" = "Meters per second (m/s)"; "#speedLongMilesPerHour" = "Miles per hour (mph)"; "#speedMax" = "Speed max"; "#speedShortKilometersPerHour" = "km/h"; "#speedShortKnots" = "kn"; "#speedShortMetersPerSecond" = "m/s"; "#speedShortMilesPerHour" = "mph"; "#speedUnits" = "Speed"; "#start" = "Start"; "#startTime" = "Start time"; "#statistics" = "Statistics"; "#subscribe" = "Subscribe"; "#subscriptions" = "Subscriptions"; "#symbol" = "Symbol"; "#system" = "System"; "#temperature" = "Temperature"; "#temperatureLongCelsius" = "Celsius (°C)"; "#temperatureMax" = "Temperature max"; "#temperatureShortCelsius" = "°C"; "#thirdParties" = "Third parties"; "#thunderforestCycle" = "Thunderforest Cycle"; "#thunderforestLandscape" = "Thunderforest Landscape"; "#thunderforestMobileAtlas" = "Thunderforest Mobile Atlas"; "#thunderforestNeighbourhood" = "Thunderforest Neighbourhood"; "#thunderforestOutdoors" = "Thunderforest Outdoors"; "#thunderforestTransport" = "Thunderforest Transport"; "#time" = "Time"; "#track" = "Track"; "#trackbook" = "Trackbook"; "#trackbookCreation" = "To create tracks and waypoints, please open web browser on pc and login to your account on https://trackbook.online"; "#trackbookInfo" = "Create tracks and synchronize them directly into GPX Viewer PRO with Trackbook web app."; "#trackbookNewsletterConsent" = "Sign me up for the newsletter so I can stay updated."; "#trackbookPrivacyPolicy" = "Trackbook Privacy Policy"; "#trackbookPrivacyPolicyConsent" = "I confirm that I have read, consent and agree to the *Trackbook Privacy Policy*."; "#tracks" = "Tracks"; "#tracksFound" = "Tracks found:"; "#tracksSort" = "Tracks Sort"; "#type" = "Type"; "#units" = "Units"; "#unknown" = "Unknown"; "#unlockOnlineServices" = "Unlock Premium Online Maps"; "#useColorFromFile" = "Use color from file"; "#userGuide" = "User Guide"; "#userInterface" = "User interface"; "#userSupport" = "User support"; "#view" = "View"; "#waypoint" = "Waypoint"; "#waypoints" = "Waypoints"; "#waypointsFound" = "Waypoints found:"; "#waypointsSort" = "Waypoints Sort"; "#website" = "Website"; "#xAxis" = "X axis"; "#yes" = "Yes"; "#yourPaymentFailed" = "Your payment failed.";